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“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

  • – William Shakespeare

Hi, introducing myself as Mrs. Chocoberry. I am a voracious chocolate eater and love to experiment with chocolates, so as my daughters and husband. After a long brainstorming session, I ultimately landed up with this nickname (Also read – a strong influence of Mrs. Funnybones). Duh, though not very likely at least it suits my character. Now, let me come to the point of why I needed a nickname/pseudonym? It’s a long story and I am not going to waste my time depicting all the blah blah facts. To be short and precise, I am literally bored and want a motivation to start afresh what I used to love most – cooking and clicking. I am in the food blogging sphere for a long time and have seen how fast it changed and became so commercialised. I have also baffled for a while by the new trend of blogging culture but now became more focused on what I actually want to do. This is the main reason behind starting everything afresh from scratch. This blog will account for my daily chores with my daughters, my family, and my friends with some funny stories along with tried and tested recipes in my kitchen. This will be a space where I will nurture my passion solely with my family and with my true readers who will enjoy my space because of my posts not because of who I am. And also my love for photography will get exhibited here. Hope you will all like this space.

Let me introduce the main characters who will keep on playing main roles in my posts:

Me, myself – be ready with all the rants, sarcasm, and a hell of a lot of daily lore.

Mr. Pie – My perfectionist husband (I am going to criticize him a lot secretly)

Miss Picky Pie – My elder daughter. Too fussy and picky and loves to argue. My best friend and assistant.

Miss Muddly Pie – A toddler and loved to mess around. Her favorite pass time is to pick up things and throw them behind the sofa which she considers as her treasure box.

Behind the scene of Camera, Roll & Action:

  • Canon Camera 70D.
  • One Tripod
  • Lenses: 50mm 1/8ft & 100mm Macro L 2/8ft that I use for Food Photography.

Professional Objective:

  • I don’t do restaurant reviews, so please excuse me from all the invitation emails.
  • For Product reviews please shoot an email. I will surely get back to you.
  • Skilling my hands-on Food Photography and also looking forward to working as a recipe developer. Opportunities welcome.
  • Promotional/Advertorial posts are welcome but it is chargeable.
  • For collaboration feel free to shoot an email at mysizzlingpies@gmail.com.

Copyright Declaration:

Please feel free to approach me if you need any of my pictures. Without my concern and permission if any picture is used you have to directly talk to my lawyer. All pictures here are clicked by me unless it is mentioned by others. All rights are reserved to the copyright act 2016.